Fuck it, I'm going to start a goat farm.

x-post from reddit. Ditch your career in IT; start a goat farm.

Getting around CORS errors

Legitimately allowing your application frontend to communicate with your application backend

New Ark Server

Headless XRDP on Debian

How to configure a lightweight, headless XRDP server on Debian

Automatic SSH Agent in Arch Linux

Stop entering passwords more than you have to!

Solution for Multiple Docker Images in one Gitlab Repository

I manage multiple tags for single Docker images in Gitlab. This is how I handle it with CI

Random Regex

A collection of random regex filters that have helped me pull information in the past.

Red Alert 2 on Linux

A half baked brain dump of me getting RA2 working on nix

Truely Headless Python Scraping

How to configure Selenium to operate without a DE

Change prompt in Powershell

A note for later to change my Powershell 'PS1'

General AWS CLI Commands

A collection of random AWS CLI one-ish-liners that have helped me pull information in the past. Mostly filters.

Simple Monitoring: Loki, Prometheus, Grafana

Copy/paste friendly scripts for deploying a full-ish monitoring stack, including exporters

Drawing Images in ConnectIQ SDK

Tried to draw bitmaps on a Garmin watch; got annoyed and F10'd

Random JQs I Found Useful

A collection of random JQ one-ish-liners that have helped me pull information in the past